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Brother of the Hawk
JoinedPosts by Brother of the Hawk
by apocryphal in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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by Julia Orwell inthat's how i feel when i see these crazy new wt study articles and the inane reasoning contained therein, and the indoctrination machines of meetings run by all those little hardened human cogs and the unending stream of propaganda we're pitched up against.
.. you could spend all your time working through those wt articles (see cedar's post on the latest 'new light') and refuting the stupidity, and yet most witnesses aren't even concerned with changes to the fds or 144 000 because like all of humanity they're too busy trying to scratch a living as it is.
such airy doctrine changes don't have any effect on their day to day lives and is thus irrelevant.
Brother of the Hawk
Mr. Flipper: If anything the WT Society owes millions of duped believers and former believers a huge apology for this 134 year scam since 1879.
And of course we know that this will never happen! If you take a closer look at this new WT regarding the 'New light' & GB, it appears to me that they are taking the first steps of re-inventing themselves so that the 'publishing company' can now publish a whole NEW series of books to entrap the minds of a whole new generation of non-thinking people.
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk [ I will surrender my mind no more forever ]
Where to begin?
by DATA-DOG ingood morning everyone,.
i am drinking coffee and thinking about something that kept my tossing and turning all night.
i want to tell my wife, the elders, my friends, that i have been watching a pattern develope within the wtbts for years, and that i love them all but feel that tha wtbts has become a mirror of ancient jerusalem when they strayed.
Brother of the Hawk
Good morning Data-Dog,
it's funny because the wife & I were just discusing the new article with the 'New light' in it. This is my perspective, especially after learning TTATT, keeping in mind I've been an active JW for 40+ yrs. What I did was take a step back and put the mind-set of a JW back into my head and analyzed what was said; I began to realize that MY faith was based upon the foundation and teachings of Russell, Rutherford & Knorr. Knowing and believing that all 3 of these men were God's chosen 'channel' for dispensing biblical truth. With 40 years of my faith being built, being reaffirmed, I would now find it EXTREMELY difficult to accept this new light, because in essence what it is doing is destroying the foundation of a 40 year 'faith' and the very foundations this religion is based on. Talk about pulling a rug out from under your feet!
I don't know if there are any 'thinking' JW's left, but man oh man, I would have an awful hard time swallowing this one. So perhaps, you might be able to approach your friends & family from this perspective. Because what I have learned over the years that faith is tied into your emotions. Either way my dear brother, our thoughts & prayers are with you.
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk [ I will never surrender my mind forever, no more ]
Any Good 1975 Stories?
by Think About It indespite denial by the wts of any 1975 armageddon predictions zealous jw's did believe it, openly talked about it, and some even sold houses & belongings in anticipation of it.
do you have or know of any good 1975 stories?.
here's mine.........i was a freshman in college and had quit attending the kh back in hs.
Brother of the Hawk
Great to bump this thread.
I remember a brother and his wife going into debt for over $100,000 and more thinking they would not have to pay it back, even buying new cars.
My MOST memorable item is this. I remember this one brother so sure the end was going to be in 75. He even pounded his cane on the floor of the KH to make his point. WEll, in 1975 HE DIED,. He was right 1975 was the end.
Have to temporarily change my picture....
by Brother of the Hawk inthe witch hunt is on!
can't talk about it now.
but our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you being hunted and harrassed by the gestapo i mean elders.. affectionately brother of the hawk.
Brother of the Hawk
Wife will have to explain since I am computer illiterate.
Just go to gravatar.com and sign in/register, then add your image then click on it and a small window will come up asking if that is the image you wish to use then click 'confirm'.
Brother of the Hawk
Have to temporarily change my picture....
by Brother of the Hawk inthe witch hunt is on!
can't talk about it now.
but our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you being hunted and harrassed by the gestapo i mean elders.. affectionately brother of the hawk.
Brother of the Hawk
The witch hunt is on! Can't talk about it now. But our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you being hunted and harrassed by the Gestapo I mean elders.
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?
by Greybeard ini was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
Brother of the Hawk
Sorry you're going thru this. My wife & I read your story on jwstruggle. I don't know what to tell you since I am in the same boat. I will be 52 this year and since I listened to the WTBT$ I have no education and I work a $11 an hour hard labor job and my body is giving out. I'm not trying to diminish your predictament, but just to let you know that we're here for you brother and are thinking of you.
Did you have any claim on a portion of their business? You could consult with a lawyer. I know there are many out there that will consult with you free of charge to see if there is a case.
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
Foot in mouth again - sigh
by new22day inmy ex bf, newly reinstated jw, was texting me that his 75 year old parents (uber dubs) are giving him grief about taking on some debt to buy a new truck to invest in his new job.
they thought he should just resume his old window cleaning biz.
so i told him just to tell them not to worry about the debt since it will be wiped clean in the new system, which is right around the corner.. whoops -- i thought i was being clever but apparently my comment offended him.
Brother of the Hawk
Don't worry. It's not you! JW's are always quick to take offense and be offended over the least little thing. I should know because I was one for 40 + years
I always say "When the WTBT$ starts to live simply and not relying on their stocks & bonds [gambling in the stock market] then I WILL!"
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
They're (Elders) after me!!!!!!!!!
by Gojira_101 ingood morning and sorry this is so late being posted, it's been a busy week and this is the first chance to post.. our home phone, which only a few people know and have, has been ringing constantly for the last two weeks, and my hubby and i have been ignoring it.
my parents and the elders are the only ones that have our home phone number and my parents have been just calling my cell because they know we won't answer the house phone...anyways this has been going on for several weeks.. on saturday i get a call from my dad asking me how the asl cong works with recruiting people for their hall...i was really confused because my parents live 90 miles from the asl cong and the people in that hall are too lazy to drive that far.
so i asked him to explain.. apparently some man called asking if there was anyone in the household who knew asl to help communicate with deaf....so i can't say everything about the conversation because i don't want to reveal details.
Brother of the Hawk
have to use her dad's post since I'm out of mine...
Thanks everyone. We have caller ID and I know the cell number that was used, but I cannot get a name. i used the reverse look up and all it said was a cell number from the city. I used an old cell phone tha we never use and its voice message and number is listed under our business name instead of ours. I called the number back to see if I could find out who it was, it just went to a generic voice mail. I'll try from a payphone next time.
Newly Enlightened
Congregation had to relocate Memorial...thanks to me
by Shepherd Book inso, the two local congregations were planning to hold their memorial together at 7:30 at the local community center, but they had to make a last-minute change to their own hall, and i'm pretty sure it was because of me.. let me explain.... at work on monday afternoon, a co-worker returned from her lunchbreak and showed me the memorial invitation that was waiitng in her door when she went home for lunch.
i noticed the sticker on the back indicated the memorial was being held, not at the local hall, but at the community center.
from a past (non-jw) event i attended there, i knew they didn't allow alcohol (unless you pay for security guards), so i wrote to the center's coordinator:.
Brother of the Hawk
I have to use Hubby's posts now since I'm out of my allotted 10...
But Shepherd Book: Don't pay any attention to those that say it was childish. If it was one of us that had pulled this we would have been hauled before the elders for trying to be DECEPTIVE!
Every single event room/hall/community center I've always gone to rent they clearly point out the alcohol rule, which is clearly stated above your signature and make you sign a contract. If it is found out later that you DID have alcohol then you can be fined heavily.
So at the risk of being 'flamed' myself, how is getting the JW's to follow the rules childish or wrong????
It was NOT Shepherd book that broke the rules it was the JW's!!!!
Newly Enlightened